Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Jennifer Kunz (aka @Jennifer_kunz), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Expert Developer Certification (Exam ID: AD0-EE209), through to the end of the program.
A little bit about your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Jennifer:
Jenn Kunz is an industry expert on Adobe/Google Analytics, MarTech pixel implementation, tag management, and data layers. She started at Omniture in 2006, meaning she has 15+ years of experience helping enterprise organizations solve their analytics problems holistically, no matter where they are in their digital measurement evolution or what tool set they use. She returned to Adobe consulting in 2014, where she was a Subject Matter Lead for Tag Management and Data Layers for a few years before moving on to other agencies. Now, as a consultant at 33 Sticks (a boutique agency specializing in strategic analytics and optimization), she helps clients streamline the implementation process and get more value out of their tools, decreasing costs and headaches for developers, project managers, and analysts alike. When not working with clients, she partners with vendors to create webinars, speaks at conferences, fills gaps in industry documentation with her blog (digitalDataTactics.com), or uses her background as a developer to create free industry tools like the Adobe Analytics Beacon Parser and the mobile app PocketSDR. She loves helping and collaborating with others in the industry, and most days can be found in #measure slack or twitter doing just that.
Aspirants mapped to Jennifer Kunz (aka @Jennifer_kunz):
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Hello, Everyone! Attached is the Toolkit for the first Module, "Understanding Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud Ecosystem". It includes 3 sections:
1. A general "what is Adobe Analytics" with a lot of good links for learning the technical side of Adobe Analytics
2. Setting Analytics and Experience Cloud IDs (side note- the "Analytics Visitor ID Order" is something that comes up in troubleshooting a lot- note that MID is the third on that list)
3. Analytics Videos and Tutorials (using the reporting and admin interfaces).
https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-discussions/adobe-analytics-resourc... also has a good list of places to get started on general training.
We'll be working through one module a week, so try to complete these topics by this week so that we will be ready for the next set of topics for the coming week.
Please let me know if you have any questions, about this module specifically, or in general. If you need to get your hands on some practice data or a sandbox of some sort, let me know; I may be able to help you.
Hi @kamlesh-maddheshiya , @embici3 , @manjeets5367412 , @Navinagrawal , @sachinn20956098 , @sidharthmahajan , @JChana!
After reviewing the first toolkit, are there any questions you have about the content that we could help with?
Attached is the second Toolkit.
This one has a lot of material in the first half on Adobe Workfront- this won't be featured much in the exam, but it'd still probably be a good idea to get loosely familiar with it. However, there is a section on Adobe Analytics Documentation that you absolutely should take a look at. We've highlighted the section on Launch, an the documentation section before it (creating an BRD, SDR, data layer) would all be very valuable as well.
Please let me know if you have questions!
We're on to Toolkit #3! Plus information about a voucher for the exam fee.
Attached is the toolkit for our third week. Section 3.1 has information about implementation through Launch Tags, both for the webSDK and the older appMeasurement approach, either through the Tags Analytics extension, or vanilla Javascript... including a flowchart to help decide which method you should use.
Section 3.1 also has information about all the various variables and methods on the s object (from linkTrackVars, which is very important, to decodeLinkParameters, which I didn't know existed until now;)). It also has information on the standard plugins.
Section 3.2 has a tutorial about Report Suite creation.
Section 3.3 is about Link Tracking/Activity Map. Activity Map can be very valuable (both the browser extension, and the reports it generates in Analysis Workspace) but has a lot of nuance to it, so I recommend at least becoming familiar with the methodology activity map uses to get the values for activity map link and activity map region.
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Wht7-jR7h0OUrtLBeN7O4UpRc4A5oC1Ijgt8JDXoP-5UMDY1... has a form you can fill out to receive a 50% discount voucher on the Exam fee through your participation in the Adobe Target Community Mentorship Program. Vouchers are subject to availability and are limited.
As always, please reach out with questions... or just to say hi and let me know you are there and seeing these posts.
Hello Aspirants - @kamlesh-maddheshiya , @embici3 , @manjeets5367412
Can you share your progress in the mentorship program?
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Attached is week 4's Toolkit, sorry it's a little late. This toolkit goes more deeply into Launch Tags- setting up, publishing, extensions usage, etc. Let me know if you have any questions!
Attached is toolkit #5. It covers a kind of random collection of useful things:
Let me know if you have any questions!