Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Jennifer Dungan (aka @Jennifer_Dungan), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Master Architect Certification (Exam ID: AD0-EE207), through to the end of the program.
A little bit about your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Jennifer Dungan:
Jennifer is the Optimization Manager Analytics for Torstar Corporation, one of Canada's largest media companies. Its products include the Toronto Star, 6 daily newspaper sites, 25 community newspaper sites, and multiple digital ventures and businesses. She has worked with all aspects of the analytics lifecycle, including as a developer way back in Omniture days, and as a QA, before taking on the current role of "everything analytics". She has been an Adobe Champion and an Adobe User Group Leader for the past 3 years, and is also an Adobe Experience League Community Advisor.
Aspirants mapped to Jennifer Dungan (aka @Jennifer_Dungan) :
How to participate
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Let's grow together!
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Thank you @seanrobinson
Also, I would like to welcome everyone to the program! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you, and helping you in your path to certification!
@Jennifer_Dungan @seanrobinson Thank you for organizing this
Hi Jennifer,
My profile seems to be not tagged. Is there something I must do? While I see others name with @, I don't see my name with @ in the list of applicants.
Hi @nidhi1112 I assume this is because @seanrobinson didn't have your Experience League id when he set this up... however, now that you have posted you will get notifications for every post. And I am sure that Sean will update his post to tag you
I will also tag you from now on, like I did for Module 1 with all the known ids.
In the meantime, if you have any other questions, please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Welcome to the mentorship program
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Hello Everyone!
@Balakandala, @AshokYadav , @vikramcl92 , @PreetpalSinghBi , Nidhi Shastri ,@Kanwar and @KMahesh
Welcome to Module 1 of the Master Architect Certification program.
Remember that Module 2 will be coming next week, so it would be good to start going through this module now, any make sure you space it out to give yourself a chance to absorb the information.
Feel free to use this space to open up any topics for discussion, this is your space to learn, so let's make the most of it!
Hello Everyone!
@Balakandala, @AshokYadav , @vikramcl92 , @PreetpalSinghBi , @nidhi1112 ,@Kanwar and @KMahesh
Happy Monday!
Module 2 has landed. Hopefully everyone finished Module 1 without any issues.. Since I haven't heard anything, I am going to assume that... but I would like to remind people that this is a safe space to discuss or dig into topics together and to not be afraid to post questions... or even take a topic from the Module and expand it into a deeper discussion.
Important Note: I would like to flag something I noticed in this module!
There is a section (2.4) about the Mobile SDK 4.x; which for those who are unaware hit it's end-of-life in 2021... Section 2.5 is about the new Adobe Experience Platform SDK...
However, it's possible that there may still be remnants of information regarding SDK 4.x on the certification test, so I wouldn't ignore it completely until I have confirmation about why this is included (just in case)... however, I would suggest that this information is taken with a critical eye as to the current relevance.
@Jennifer_Dungan I am catching up with Module 1 as I was not well last 10 days and started today . I will spend extra time now on to catch up with preparation
No worries @Balakandala, I hope you are feeling better now. You have time to catch up, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you
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Hello Everyone!
@Balakandala, @AshokYadav , @vikramcl92 , @PreetpalSinghBi , @nidhi1112 , @Kanwar and @KMahesh
Its time for Module 3. I hope the other modules are going well.
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