hello I would like to know if it is possible to reintegrate adobe color CC in the cloud and in the software rather than having to look for it on the internet. They were a very essential and practical tool to use.
It is really disappointing not being able to participate during an on-going session as there is NO captioning at all. Can we PLEASE have captioning enabled and I'm pretty sure that the FCC is already enforcing this by way of the Americans with Disabilities Act...
I have AMO Cost, AMO impressions, AMO clicks showing data correctly. But, the success event when the user lands on the page is showing a dramatic drop day over day. What are some of the ways to debug? Our devs did not implement any changes to the site.
We're building an Adobe PDF form that will be downloaded from our website, filled out by clients, and then emailed back to us. We need each PDF sent back to us from email to be encrypted. And when we receive it on our end we need to use C# to read the decrypted PDF. I know there's a way for the user...
Buenas, entre acá por curioso y no tengo ni la menor idea de lo que hay que hacer acá... Sería genial que alguien me guiara o me dijera en resumen de lo que esto se trata y lo que hay que hacer. Si alguien sabe estaré agradecido.
Hey, I'm really wanting to integrate our performance marketing (paid social mostly) with our campaign activity (email, sms customer journey.) Ideally, I'd want to be able to have an activity that starts with social advertising and then creates a workflow of emails etc and then during the campaign t...
With that introduction, let’s start.Step 1: Open your Google Docs document. …Step 2: Click on the fonts option in the toolbar to see the list of fonts available to you. …Step 3: Click on ‘More fonts’. …Step 4: Filter and sort the fonts as you like. …Step 5: Add new fonts and click on ‘OK’ once you’r...