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Ad Cloud Search foundational training - Aug 2021


Level 10

Hello all,


Our next monthly Ad Cloud Search foundational training will begin on August 24th 2021. This is a 4-part live online foundational training series covering the basics of Ad Cloud Search.


Training recordings will be sent to all registered email addresses. 


View the recordings below:


Session 1 : Search Optimization Concepts & Platform Overview

Session 2 : Search Portfolio Creation & Settings

Session 3 : Search Reporting

Session 4: Search Campaign Management




Training session dates: August 24, 25, 26, 27. All sessions start at 09:30 LA | 10:30 Denver | 11:30 Chicago | 12:30 New York | 13:30 Sao Paulo | 17:30 London


Session Number



Estimated length


Search Optimization Concepts & Platform Overview


    1. Adobe Advertising Cloud overview
    2. Portfolio-based optimization methodology
    3. AdCloud Search basic concepts: portfolio, bid unit, data collection, modeling & more
    4. Advertising Cloud platform overview
    5. Navigation within and across tabs
    6. Default view adjustments and custom views
    7. Label Classifications


90 minutes


Search Portfolio Creation & Settings


    1. Optimization tab overview
    2. Objective creation and edits
    3. Portfolio settings
    4. Portfolio groups
    5. “More options” tab: Portfolio Spotlight, Change History and Bid Change History
    6. Simulations and Spend Recommendations tabs
    7. Constraints


60 minutes


Search Reporting

    1. Insights and Reports tab overview
    2. Dashboard
    3. Types of reports
    4. Configuring reports and templates
    5. Spreadsheet Feeds
    6. Advertising Insights
    7. Change History
    8. Alerts
    9. Adobe Analytics


45 minutes


Search Campaign Management

    1. Campaign management in the UI grid
    2. Creating/editing single and multiple items
    3. Label Classifications: how to create and manage
    4. Bulksheets: how to use for campaign management


60 minutes

8 Replies


Level 1

Thank you. Have registered. Meanwhile can you please answer this pal?

What is the character limit for Ad Title & Description for Expanded Text Ads in Adobe Advertising Cloud Search. 




Level 10

The character limits are the same as the search engines.

Google Ads ETAs: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7056544?hl=en
Microsoft Ads ETAs: https://help.ads.microsoft.com/#apex/ads/en/56812/0


Level 1

رائع جدا بداية تدريب ناجحة


Level 1

Hi, How can one access the recordings of these sessions?


Level 10

I'm working to get access to the recordings. Assuming they are available, I'll post them on this thread.


Level 10

Links in the original post above have been updated with the recording.



Hello @jantzen_b ! Great training! However, the links to primetime.bluejeans.com have not worked for around a week. Could you please let me know if they have been moved or so? Thank you!


Level 5

@jantzen_b - Is there any chance there are updated links for these videos?

