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Year over Year Tracking for Ongoing Projects


Level 9
This is our first 'new year' with Workfront so please bear with the noob question. I think I know the answer, but can you help walk me through? If we have a project that is ongoing (i.e. non-collateral driven) that is 01/01 to 12/31 each year and say this project # is 33333. In 2018 the task will go from 01/01 to 12/31 for project management - and we can report on that task to track the time spent on that project. However, in 2019 the request is to start a NEW project # to capture the time spent on the same project for a new yearly period, thus creating a new project #. So 2018 would have Project # 33333. and 2019 would have Project # 666666 for example. My question: Can we not - just create a new task on 33333 for 01/01/19 to 12/31/19 and accomplish the same reporting goal? (and avoid creating a new project # altogether? Thanks for your help! Christina Jarosz Ascensus

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1 Reply


Level 10
Yes, you can use a single project as the container of each yearly task. Or, you can just log time to the project and set the planned completion date of the project to a time far into the future. If all you're looking for is the ability to report on time spent year over year, an "Hour" report will tell you what year the time was logged to. Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank