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Workfront DAM API


Level 10
Hello, anybody here uses Workfront DAM and have accessed their API? Is there any documentation or site that I can learn from? Polly Co

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2 Replies


Level 5
Polly, the WebDAM API is a good place to start. See "https://www.damsuccess.com/hc/en-us/articles/202134055-REST-API">https://www.damsuccess.com/hc/en-us/articles/202134055-REST-API . It has a RESTful API through which you can retrieve data, upload assets, create folders, update metadata, etc. What type of integration are you looking to build? Scott Brady Director of Integration and Automation Phone: 801-919-7375


Level 10
Thanks, I've been to that site. I'm not sure what data I can pull so I do not have particular integrations that I could think off. Is the way to access their api similar to what you would do for Workfront API? I could run some workfront APIs through the browser and have results show. I've tried https://apiv2.webdamdb.com/oauth2/token -d 'grant_type=password&client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=SECRET_KEY&username=USERNAME&password=USER_PASSWORD' with the correct credentials for the ids and keys but I'm getting a not authorized message so I'm not sure I was heading to the correct direction on how to use it. Polly Co