Today we have the pleasure of getting to know @Michele Smith - inactive‚ a person of many talents, the most recent of which is becoming Workfront certified. Get to know her below! In reading this spotlight, I discovered that we both love the Chicago style popcorn, so she's definitely got her snack choices on point.
Workfront: What was your background before learning Workfront?
Michele: My background is somewhat technical. I am a graphic designer with Lockton, but I have some website coding experience from previous positions.
Workfront: In two sentences or less, how does your organization use Workfront?
Michele: Currently my organization uses Workfront for the project management and proof approval process it offers. We used ProofHQ in the past, so we were happy to have project management integrated with the system.
Workfront: What is the Workfront accomplishment you are most proud of?
Michele: I am most proud of helping my company series (the Northeast region) with implementation before receiving my certification. I was challenged with creating custom dashboards and layouts for the different types of users we have, rather than using the traditional home page. I spent many late evenings going through the available trainings and researching options on Workfront One. I am proud of the results of that time I invested and the ease it granted my fellow associates in using the system.
Workfront: How will being Workfront system admin certified change things for you?
Michele: I like meeting and getting to know people as well as learning new things, and this certification has given me that opportunity. I was already helping my fellow associates in the Northeast series, but I am now meeting and helping associates outside of my series as we continue to implement the system company-wide. I also value the opportunity to learn new things and expand my overall experience skillset.
Workfront: If you could time travel and go back to tell your newbie-Workfront self anything, what would it be?
Michele: I would probably tell myself to prepare for the upcoming late nights. Not that it was an issue, but I could have better organized my time and had more prepped meals (self-care right lol?). My team was very helpful taking some of my Graphic Designer responsibilities, but there were and still are things that I need to attend to beyond being one of our company’s System Admins. It has been a challenge at times, but I definitely wouldn’t trade the experience.
Workfront: What areas of work management do you consider yourself an expert in?
Michele: I would have to say I am more of an expert in researching and figuring out ideal reports and integrations for our series, but not quite an expert at anything just yet. I hope after being in the system for a few years I can answer this differently though!
Workfront: Finally, as a fun way to get to know you, when you get snacky and need a quick treat‚Äîwhat is your favorite “vice”?
Michele: Popcorn is definitely my favorite go-to snack‚Ķ whether it is buttery movie theater, salty sweet fair style kettle corn, or even the Chicago mix of caramel and cheddar popcorn. My quick go-to would be air popped with olive oil and sea salt when I don’t have another tempting flavor on hand :)