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Workfront Certification Logistics - Experiences on Locations Used Requested


Level 1

Greetings Workfront community,


I've been working towards my Workfront Developer certification this year and am curious if I am looking at the requirements correctly, as they seem to be scattered throughout the adobe certification and proctorU sites (I tend to find more the more I dig). 


Does the below look correct?

  • Equipment must meet proctor U technical specifications
    • My work equipment will not work due to cybersecurity restraints, so I have to use a personal laptop (about 8 years old)
  • Must be able to download, install, and launch the guardian browser
  • Must be able to log into adobe certification site
    • Due to my profile being associated with my work SSO and not allowed on personal equipment, I had to create a new account under my personal email and request the accounts to be merged. Unable to register for exam until that's completed. 
  • Open internet connection to proctorU
    • This rules out taking the exam from any of our work locations, as the connection is restricted by cybersecurity. So, it must be taken at home or other location. 
  • Must have an EXTERNAL web cam (so they can see the desktop, user, PC, and surroundings)
  • Location cannot have:
    • Window walls
    • Items on the walls
    • Open doorways
    • General clutter
  • Any liquids must be in a clear container
  • No food or other documentation allowed on the desktop surface

My home does not have separate office to use for this purpose. The best location I can identify is the laundry room, but I fear that wouldn't meet requirements due to the shelving and open doorway. Unless you think they would allow it if I cover everything in sheets/blankets. 


How do others work around such requirements?  Do you take the exam in a co-working location or other location that may meet the requirements?


Also, can you provide your experience in taking the exam, including actions you took to ensure your location and equipment met the requirements, or any requirements brought up during your exam that you were not aware of in advance?


I have one shot to take the exam that my employer will cover the costs for, so want to get it right the first time and not be charged for additional exam because of an unknown requirement, or some other blocker that's not currently visible to me. 


Thanks for any recommendations and/or guidance you can provide. I'm currently feeling like the exam logistical requirements might be more difficult to meet than passing the exam. lol

~~ Tim


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5 Replies


Community Advisor

Tim, it looks correct to me. I think you'll also be instructed to show your ID.


I took my cert a few years back and was lucky to just have my office be fairly empty. There was no external camera requirement back in the day -- I know I didn't have one other than what was on my laptop and they just had me pick up the laptop and pan the room with it. I don't remember, but they may have made me switch to my laptop speakers in order to prove I wasn't using my headset for nefarious purposes.


The examiner I had was fairly understanding about my minor infractions (like allowing me to take my cup out, and tidy up my clutter).


However, I'd advise making sure you have the best possible environment, as this is one thing you can't recover from as easily (you can't just pull another room out of your backpack). This will mean using a coworking location -- it's going to be the most reliable in terms of look and internet access. (I noticed they don't allow bathrooms, and I'm just afraid that the laundry area might be considered similar to this. The sheets might probably be suspect as well. Sorry.)


If I'm not misremembering, there's an option to test your equipment. I can see it in their recording about taking tests on this page: https://certification.adobe.com/# but can't find a live link to show you. (it's about installing and testing the guardian browser) Definitely do this on your old laptop before getting to the exam. 


Best wishes.


Level 1

Hey Skye,


It brought a smile to my face when I saw that you had replied. Still helping me out. - I appreciate you!

Thanks for the additional info and insights. I did test my laptop and it passes, as long as I close out everything else running (which they'll want anyways). 

And I think you're right - With what I have to work with, I'm going to have to find a coworking space to take the exam from in order to meet the requirements.

Thanks for being amazing, as always. 

~~ Tim


Level 5

Hey Tim,


I took my certification recently. While my exam was in progress, my Oscar(pet dog, Golden Retriever) barked at the door and they asked me to show the whole room again for reconfirmation and then let me resume my exam.


I guess It is fine to take your certification exam wherever you are comfortable with, but if there is any disturbance in between they would just ask you to show the room again on video for reverification and confirm to resume your exam.


Level 1

Thank you for the insight Sri!


Level 1

Just dropping in a reply for those that may find this in the future. 

The coworking space did work best for my situation. 

Having the external camera ended up not being required, but was helpful to show the different areas of the room and the computer itself, as I had to take photos of the room, desktop, and the computer itself. 

It was also handy as they required for me to place my phone on the floor (it was not allowed in my bag behind me) and show to them. Other small items include that they did not allow any type of watch, which had to be shown I wasn't wearing anything, as well as that I did not have any ear pieces in my ears. 

After that, it was a standard online exam. Watch the details in the question and answers, as many times there was one or two key terms, or small differences, that impacted what would be considered a correct answer. 

And I passed.  


Hope to chat with ya'll more in the future. Thanks again for all of your input!