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When To Use the Different Workfront Fusion Triggers


Level 5

I don't understand the need for the Watch Field and Watch Record modules. The only 2 starting modules I have used are the Watch Events module and Search module. Why use a watch field module when I can use a watch events and set it to run X times daily. Same thing for the watch record module, why use that when I can use a watch events module that triggers on X creation. I was at one of the seminars and asked the same question and they said I would use the other 2 when I don't need the events instantly but does that even matter when my event webhook can just sit there and build up stuff until the scenario executes? Can someone with more insight explain why there would be any good reason to use either of the 2 triggers over the watch event trigger?


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1 Reply


Level 8

Hi @Lawson02 

  • WatchField - limited number of fields, all OOTB; triggered when the specified field changes; collects events and batch runs them
  • WatchRecord - option to watch NEW/Updated or both; manually add the filter as API query; limited record types; triggered when record changes and filter is met; collects events and batch runs them
  • WatchEvent - all record types; only supports ANDing filters; has option to ignore changes made by Fusion user

So it depends on your use case. In majority of cases the "instant" trigger is what I use - in large part due to being able to ignore changes a scenario makes. 


docs: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/adobe-workfront-fusion/webhooks-in-fusion...