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When To remove Reports


Level 6
Like many users, we have amassed a lot of reports since we started using Workfront. When might it be a good time to weed out some of the older, unused reports? Every six months or annually? I have a last Last Viewed Date column for the report list, so there's no guessing on when it was last used. Also, is there any other housecleaning you do in Workfront? Thanks! Jared Mauch Crown Equipment Corporation
3 Replies


Level 10
Good question/s. It really depends on the work you have in Workfront. I tend to feel for more active instances, 6 months is fine, but for less active, yearly might be better. One of the caveats is to name reports in order to facilitate understanding. For instance if I have reports that have "metrics" in the title, I would leave these til last, in case there's some sort of annualness tied to them. If you are really hesitant, you can always remove sharing permissions from a report and see if anyone notices it's gone. House cleaning items: I'm currently doing a full system review, so some of the questions I'm asking are: * Were recent re-orgs captured in the system? (We use a system of home teams and home groups for functional teams and business units) * Do teams and groups exist that have zero users? * Are there inactive users in the system? * Are there users in the system who are not fully utilizing their access level? (PMs with no reports and projects; workers with no task or issue assignments; proof license holders with no generated proofs) * Are there templates not being used? * How about request queues, or queue topics? * How about custom fields? Custom forms? * Are there inactive projects? -skye


Level 4
Before I deactivate a user who has left the company, I log in as them and note any reports/dashboards that they created and did not share with others. I delete those unshared reports. In this way, I can do incremental cleanup as we only turn over 1 or 2 Workfront users per quarter on average. Chris Mueller HLUS: Holdings


Level 2
It would be great if Workfront would give us the ability to organize our reports, custom forms, templates, dashboards, etc. within a folder structure. We should be able to create folders for the reports, templates, custom forms sections of WF just like we can with the documents tab or a project/task. This would allow us to organize what we use, don't use, team that uses it, etc., beyond the putting "zzz" in front of the name to push it to the bottom. I understand we can sort and group them at the section level, but organizing them in a folder would mitigate the risk of deleting something important after when we realize how many forms, templates, reports, etc. we have accumulated over time. Sarah Lemoncelli