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What best practices can you share with health care organizations just starting out in Workfront?


Level 9
We'd love to continue the conversation from Birds of a Feather and keep generating an amazing knowledge base. I'll be posting here every few days with a new question to get your thoughts. Today's question: What best practices can you share with health care organizations just starting out in Workfront? -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:
2 Replies


Level 1
Hi Nate, We implemented in 2008 at a small community hospital in northern California. I would say that, given the (sometimes challenging) nature of healthcare + technology + workflow + workarounds, it is best to keep your initial goals small in scope, attainable, and clearly defined and communicated. Take baby steps, because it takes time to build momentum and change culture. Real, dramatic change isn't measured in months, but rather in years, at least that's been my experience. So; manage expectations, and build on small successes at first, widening your scope as your teams gain experience and the culture slowly changes. It helps to have an excellent team of crack project managers to help drive the change, along with a tool like Workfront which provides facile transparency and reports/dashboard measurements.


Level 2
My integrated provider/plan healthcare system has been using Workfront as its primary marketing/communication project-management resource for around six years now. I've been the organization's primary Workfront sysadmin for a year and a half. One thing we've historically cautioned our registered Workfront users against doing is uploading any protected health information (e.g., patient/member mailing lists) to projects in the system. I believe the premise behind this advice is that doing so would make that PHI less secure and possibly violate the "minimum necessary" rule, but wondered if indeed that premise is sound. What related best practices or policies are other Workfront healthcare clients using when it comes to handling PHI within the software?