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WF Access Levels & Delete Feature or Bug


Level 3
So I created several test projects in WF. I realized I couldn't delete the projects. I checked my access level and I did not have "Delete" checked under Projects. I checked and saved the settings. I went back to delete the projects I created and could not. I logged out and in several times and no joy. I then tested delete by created a new project with my new access and I could instantly delete the project. I went back to the old projects and still no joy. I had to have the sys admin delete the test projects. Bug or feature? Regards Brad Smith, PMP | PMO Director http://www.oclc.org
2 Replies


Level 10
Try opening sharing and under your name, check the box for delete. Then you might be able to delete it. I'd be really curious to know if this works for you because I had an issue with a user recently that required these steps. The thing is, this was never the case before so I'm wondering if something changed, which wouldn't surprise me.


Level 7
Hey Brad, The way access levels work is when an object is created or shared with someone in the system, then their access is raised via the Access Level, we don't apply the new access retroactively. Here's an example of why: You have a worker in the system that spends a lot of time doing work on tasks and issues. That worker gets a promotion to a project manager role. However, they're only responsible for projects for a certain department, whereas they were in a different department prior. For security purposes, we wouldn't want that person to automatically receive increased access to objects they either had limited access to, or even no access to prior to their access level changing. So, in this scenario, Narayan was spot on.. go back into the object, actions, sharing, and edit the sharing to include delete access as well. Note, you can do this in bulk as well, you just need to bulk select, click share, add the user, and then change from View to Manage access. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront