Yes, that is what I'm doing. This is the error I'm getting on that card. : { "_error": true, "flo": 22174, "method": "AX3-116lG", "execution": "0fd2ea39-f5f5-4062-991c-c8b3d7f4d9ca", "module": "workfront3.updateRecord", "kind": "HTTP Request Error", "statusCode": 400, "headers": null, "body": null, "message": ": The following error occurred: You cannot change the status of this request manually because it is linked to the project \"test flow 3/16 1\". Each change in the project status also changes the request status.", "code": 400, "description": "HTTP Request Error", "steps": 511, "_fatal": null, "right-operand": 401, "source": { "flo": "workfront3:1.0.101:generalErrorHandler", "method": "enwGcD7ABod5", "execution": "914efad2-c82f-4b79-89c2-c4ef6059e7d1", "module": "control.throwIf" }, "operator": "!=", "left-operand": 500 } Kristine Ross