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UPVOTE - Global Utilization and Actual Hours


Level 4
Hey Minneapolis, I just logged the below Idea - essentially, when you look at Reporting -> Utilization, the Actual Hours report is only the sum of actual task hours , not all actual (logged) hours within a project. >https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000H0TdAAK/detail Project -> Utilization does calculate Actual Hours on all objects in the project but Global Utilization only looks at Task Hours when I believe it should account for ALL object hours. I can go into more of our use case, but please help UPVOTE THIS IDEA! Thanks! Jaimeson Jaimeson Wennerstrum HealthPartners
2 Replies


Level 4
This is explains why I've never been able to make sense of the utilization reports. We log at the project level mostly. Thanks Jaimeson! Jean Chapdelaine NovuHealth


Level 6
Well worth fixing. These types of problems lay hidden for a long time because it's not clear what is going on. Good find. Matt Marks Banner Engineering Corp.