Hi Josh, My contrarian response might be unpopular, but no üåß , no üåà's... Since a Project can easily be set to a particular schedule - even one created specifically for the project - using the Project schedule as a default seems reasonable (think "9-5 on business days"). Similarly, a User can also easily be set to a particular schedule - even one created specifically for the department, or team, or user - so taking the User's schedule (and their PTO) into consideration would be prudent (think "Mike works 10 hrs / day, Mon-Thurs, and next Thursday he's on PTO"). For most organizations, planning work is done first, most often top-down and deadline-driven, and then, with those target dates set, work is assigned, most often just-in-time, as priorities settle and reality emerges. In fact, we created our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/jitr/" JITR (Just In Time Resourcing) solution around these very principals. Given that (here comes the üåß), although I see value in warning a planner that by assigning next week's "40 hour starts Monday due Friday" Task to Mike, it is unlikely Mike will finish it by Friday (given his schedule and PTO),
I do not believe an assignment should ever change planned dates. To do so defeats the sanctity of the plan, seeding uncertainty, and - thinking of continual revision - a frustrating churn of wasted reworking chasing moving dates as assignees are swapped, or (in the extreme) Mike changes his golf game from Thursday to Friday. Workfront has a longstanding but underutilized feature called Projected Dates which are - As Designed - both capable of and intended to detect and report situations such as the example I'm describing: namely, "If you assign Mike to this, it won't be done until Monday, according to his schedule (and PTO)". Seeing that, humans can then make good choices (eg pick Sally instead of Mike, ask Mike to work some OT, ask Mike if he can move his PTO, etc.) without automatically and silently sacrificing the planned completion date. And so, I vote "D. None of the above". That said, as I am wrong far more often than I even realize, if there is a valid usecase for such automatic rescheduling of planned completion dates upon assignment and/or schedule change and/or PTO change, I stand corrected, wish those brave souls who walk that slippery slope all the best, and regardless of the name the crowd sources for it, will thank you for ensuring that the default setting ensures that it is to Opt Out. üåà Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads