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Task Report


Level 3
I am trying to build a report that when a user signs in that it only pulls in their tasks and hours. The report would look like: The Program and Project are the group. The tasks and hours are the filters. I am trying to filter by our Portfolio and Group Name. I want the user when they run the report for it to just pull in their information. I tried using User and the wildcard. I have tried Project, hours, and users. It seems like I run into roadblocks, for example if I use Tasks Reports then I can't pull in our Portfolio. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Becky Grosh Humana

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Becky, Workfront reporting can only reach data a certain number of "hops" away in the object model. However, you can "pull down" data from a parent object to effectively get it within hop range. In this case, if you add custom data to your projects to pull down their program, I believe you could then create an hour report (filtered on OwnerID = $$USER.ID) that could reach and group by Project.{DE:Current Program}, Project.Name. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hello....Doug's suggestion of creating the additional fields on a project works like a champion. I wasn't sure based on what you were asking if you were looking for Tasks and Actual Hours for a resource or if you were looking for all Assignments and Planned Hours for a resource. I was thinking of the latter of the two. If you are looking for Assignments have you tried creating a report using the Assignments Object? That's what we use so that some of our Supervisors can easily see all Tasks and Issues that their resources are assigned to and the number of Planned Hours for each resource on that particular item. Hope this helps! Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 10
Here is a screenshot from my report and the associated task. Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU