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Sorting values in a chart


Level 1
Can anyone help me with understanding how to sort the values that display in a Workfront chart, specifically a bar chart. I have a chart that shows record count for projects on y-axis with Sponsor name as the x-axis (see image). Would like to show it in descending order of record count. Thanks, Michael
6 Antworten


Level 10
I was trying to get the same results.. but it looks like at the moment there is no option like this.


Level 10
Hi - to my knowledge, this is not possible but it would be a good feature request!


Level 2
I searched for sorting by value in a chart and found this discussion. I feel I must be misunderstanding but are we saying that there is no way to sort a chart by a numerical value? This seems like a basic function of a chart to me. Did anybody submit something in Idea Exchange? Tim Watts Disney Institute


Level 1

I still do not see what Workfront incorporated this capability, unfortunately.


Level 10

Can confirm I would like this functionality too.  I've tried updating Groupings by adding sortOrder=desc (for descending order) and it's not reflected on my charts.  Too bad.  


Level 1

I need to Sort by Specific values so would love to know if this is doable