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Showing the Note entered by name on a report


Level 2

I have researched here and have not come up with what I was looking for.


I have a report that shows, by Project, all tasks that have an update made in the last seven days.  The only piece of data I'm

unable to get is who entered the note.  Any help would be appreciated.


I tried this, but it delivered a blank field.

[code language=”text” autolinks=”false”]
displayname=Latest Update
namekey=latest update
valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>140, CONCAT(SUBSTR({lastNote}.{noteText},0,139),”…(open for more) — “, {lastNote}.{owner}.{name},” on “, {lastNote}.{entryDate}), IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0, CONCAT({lastNote}.{noteText},” — “, {lastNote}.{owner}.{name},” on “, {lastNote}.{entryDate})))


This report is very handy when on a conference call with the customer and I need a quick reference on the status/work done on the project tasks.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Ahh ok, if you are using a note report you could just add the the owner >> name attribute to your view. This will be available natively in the report builder and you wont need any text mode for this. 


If however, you are wanting to trim the note text down to less than 140 characters and include the date and note owner in the same field, this code would do it:


displayname=Note with owner and date
namekey=latest update
valueexpression=IF(LEN({noteText})>140,CONCAT(SUBSTR({noteText},0,139),"…(open for more) — ",{owner}.{name}," on ",{entryDate}),IF(LEN({noteText})>0,CONCAT({noteText}," — ",{owner}.{name}," on ",{entryDate})))

View solution in original post

9 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Mary,


The textmode used is sound, but it looks like when it's been copied from an external source, some of the formatting / special characters have carried over + some additional lines of code which aren't needed and Workfront doesn't like it. Try the following code instead:


displayname=last update
namekey=latest update
valueexpression=IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>140,CONCAT(SUBSTR({lastNote}.{noteText},0,139),"…(open for more) — ",{lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ",{lastNote}.{entryDate}),IF(LEN({lastNote}.{noteText})>0,CONCAT({lastNote}.{noteText}," — ",{lastNote}.{owner}.{name}," on ",{lastNote}.{entryDate})))

Best Regards,



Level 2

Thank you, Richard.  That didn't work the column is still blank.


Community Advisor

That's strange, the code works perfectly in my instance. Are you using a task report? 



Level 2

No, I'm using a Notes report.  If I use the Task option I can only pick up the last note, I want to see all notes posted to a task for the last 7 days.  Do you know of a way to get all the notes using the TASK report?



Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Ahh ok, if you are using a note report you could just add the the owner >> name attribute to your view. This will be available natively in the report builder and you wont need any text mode for this. 


If however, you are wanting to trim the note text down to less than 140 characters and include the date and note owner in the same field, this code would do it:


displayname=Note with owner and date
namekey=latest update
valueexpression=IF(LEN({noteText})>140,CONCAT(SUBSTR({noteText},0,139),"…(open for more) — ",{owner}.{name}," on ",{entryDate}),IF(LEN({noteText})>0,CONCAT({noteText}," — ",{owner}.{name}," on ",{entryDate})))


Level 2

Thanks so much for your time on this.  I will have to ask our Admin if they can add that attribute.



Level 2

Richard, I got the report working.  Thanks so much.


Community Advisor

Awesome Mary, glad I could help.


If my advice resolved your problem, please mark it as an accepted solution so that other's know how to overcome the same problem in the future. 


Best Regards,



Level 2

Is it possible to display all the comments via Note Report not just the last comment?