Hi Vic, As I just shared in this (somewhat tenuously) "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=d49a5872-2ecd-4d93-8cb0-34f47fa22f9a&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer&SuccessMsg=Thank+you+for+submitting+your+message.">related thread , another simple solution to this Planned Completion Date challenge would be to add a date calculated parameter to a custom form behind every Project of Interest called Original Planned Completion Date, with this formula:
IF(Status='CUR',IF(ISBLANK(Original Planned Completion Date),Planned Completion Date,Original Planned Completion Date),Original Planned Completion Date) What this subtle gem does is to capture (forever) whatever the Planned Completion Date on every existing Current Project to which its custom form is already attached (e.g. up to "right now", in my client's case), and whatever the initial Planned Completion Date was when the Project was first set to Current on any Project to which the form is attached (e.g. from the Template, "going forward"). With that data in hand, you can then create a Project report that shows any Project whose Original Planned Completion Date is different from its Planned Completion Date. And (what the heck) even add some Project Level calculated parameters to show how many days different, what percentage of the whole timeline, etc. Geeky, but elegant. I like it on both counts. Thanks to Bonnie for helping me noodle it out! Regards, Doug P.S. the proper syntax is "IF" not "IIF" (whoops, my VBA dark roots are showing), and to get this formula to work, you'll need to add the parameter to the form with no formula, save (so Workfront "knows" that parameter exists), THEN add the formula (since it refers to that parameter) and save and close
P.P.S. for existing Projects, remember to also Recalculate Custom Parameters to inject the initial values Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand!