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Report by entry and completion dates


Level 5
Is there a way to create a two-fold graph where it shows all issues opened (by entry date) and all issues closed (by actual completion date) from week to week? When I create a report it's only showing me by entry date. Jazmin Allen-Collins Analog Devices, Inc.
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Jazmin, Workfront's built in charts allow only a single source for the timeframe axis. So to accomplish what you're after, I'd suggest you use two graphs to show your Issue counts: the first, grouped by Entry Date week; the second, grouped by Actual Completion Date week. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 2
After some trial and error, I was able to accomplish something quite similar to this. Just in case someone out there is still searching, here are the steps I took: I started by creating a new calculated field on a custom form (invisible on every new ticket submitted), which would track whether the Entry Date or Actual Completion Date for the ticket was later. I will explain later how this was useful to find which issues started OR ended within the time period I was looking for. Here's my equation: DMAX(Entry Date, Actual Completion Date) I then created several other invisible fields, two of which gave me the capability the OP was requesting (My reports are semi-monthly, with this specific report tracking the last half of the previous month): IF(Entry Date>$$TODAYbm-1m+14d&Entry Date<$$TODAYem-1m+1d,1,0) This calculated field places a "1" in itself if the ticket's entry date was between the 15th of the last month and last day of the last month. (Later I added these up for a summed total of tickets entered in during the period) IF(Actual Completion Date>$$TODAYbm-1m+14d&Actual Completion Date<$$TODAYem-1m+1d,1,0) Similarly, this field places a "1" in itself if the actual completion date was between the 15th of the last month and last day of the last month. When I built the report, I grouped it by market and filtereditfirst by the DMAX invisible field (shown above) with the BETWEEN operator set between $$TODAYbm-1m+15d and $$TODAYbm-1m+15d. This includes any tickets in the report that were closed during the given period, PLUS anything opened during the period but not closed. I thought that part was fairly clever. :) I created a column chart with the "new entry" field summed on the Y axis, the market along the X axis, and a combination chart adding in the "closed ticket" field sums. As you can see, in the end the column chart was able to show both the new tickets and the closed tickets for the given period, side by side, for each individual market. Hopes this helps somebody out there. Good luck! Nathan Roberts doTERRA International