Hi @JJF72,
I too have observed that non-USD project reports show the summarized currency values at the group levels in USD only (where USD is the global default currency for the instance); an apples to oranges comparison, but I believe As Designed.
I had considered creating calculated parameters at the project level, with one for each such currency amount (hours cost, expense cost, etc) per currency of interest, multiplying by the appropriate exchange rate, and then grouping by the currency of interest when viewing projects (only) of that same currency, as a workaround. However, I decided against it, since the creation and maintenance of those extra parameters would be too onerous.
Instead, we are (now, by coincidence) extending our upcoming AFA Burn Reports solution to incorporate this requirement in real time, using the latest exchange rates, at both the subtotal level (meeting this requirement) and potentially even at the detail level, allowing users to combine multiple projects of any “source” currency into a single target currency.
These is dangerous but compelling new territory for us, so if you’re interested in a postcard from our travels (or would like to join our tour group), I invite you to drop me a line here or via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com