Hi @Melinda Layten - this might be your area of specialty and I'd love a gem of wisdom. My scenari o is that I have a project template which contains 1 task. Via the API I am successfully attaching this template to a project, which creates the single task. I am then making another API call to change the sharing settings (accessRules) of the Task so that the project owner will have Contribute level access to prevent them from being able to delete the Task. The new rule is added OK, but the issue is that the inherited access rules from the project still also exist, meaning that the project owner still has Manage level access to the task which overrides the Contribute level access. Via the regular Workfront user interface, I can change the Task sharing settings to not automatically inherit permissions, but I don't know how to do this via the API. For your reference, the PUT query I'm doing to change the project owner's permissions to Contribute is: https://ourdomain.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v9.0/task?updates=[{"ID":"5cbea62800b954c608cdbe99ea4d12c3",accessRules:[{"accessorID": "59c0506400936d0349f1b49e895fb6c1","accessorObjCode": "USER","coreAction": "LIMITED_EDIT"}]}] When I do a GET query to read the accessRules from the task, I see the newly created rule, plus two others that are inherited from the project. I want to get rid of those two. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks Regards, David Cornwell