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Quick Tip: you can add comments in your text mode


Level 10


//not how to lose weight

// I am not sure if we need this, but too scared to delete.

//I am not sure why this works but it fixes the problem.

If you're frequently writing code in text mode and you sometimes can't remember what you did or why you did it, you can add comments to your code by prefixing the line with "//" double slashes… Just like a real programming language.

You're welcome.


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4 Replies


Level 10

"He did not know he could not fly and so he did"

Awesome stuff, Randy -- thanks for sharing!



Alas, not available in custom form filters :-( But still great to know elsewhere.


Level 10

Is this new, or has it always been there!?! I was told this wasn't possible!

Also…how does this behave with the text mode sorting behavior. In other words sometimes if I put in text mode, then save, WF has it's own ideas and re-orders the code. How are comments managed?


Level 10

Workfront still re-sorts your code to make it unreadable. I keep copies in a text editor (Sublime Text) so I can refer to it later sorted as written. Hopefully they address that issue at some point. I know they're planning on having no text mode with the new report interface so they may not be planning on any text mode enhancements.

I don't know if it's always been there but I never knew you couldn't… so I did! Hence Doug's comment above.