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Pull Info from from a Project Custom Form into a Task Custom Form


Level 9
We have information in a Project Custom form (information about client style guides, editorial options, etc) that we want to display on a Task custom form so a) it doesn't need to be re-entered every time a task is sent to our editors and b) the editors get all the information they need about the task in a single spot Is this possible and if so, HOW?!?!? Thank you, Workfront Hivemind. Anthony Pernice
2 Respuestas


Community Advisor
Hi Anthony, One way would be to build a Task view that refers to those Project columns (e.g. Project.Style Guide, etc; perhaps with Shared Columns, if that makes it more readable), add the report to a dashboard, then (under such a Task) add a Custom Tab that "points" at the dashboard (e.g. naming it "Style Guide Etc"), so that when the user clicks that tab, the dashboard comes up, the report auto-filters to the Task in question, and (without showing anything about the task specifically), that Project Information is then neatly presented, and always up to date (e.g. should -- horrors -- something change on the project at the last minute). On the other hand, if you really do need it on the Task's custom form itself, you could create 1:1 calculated custom parameters on the Task (e.g. Task Style Guide) that "pull" from the Project whenever the Task is edited (e.g. =Project.Style Guide), or whenever the Project is first filled in (e.g. =IF(ISBLANK(Task Style Guide),Project.Style Guide,Task Style Guide), depending on which approach better suits your needs. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 6
Hi @Anthony Pernice we use custom calculated fields on task-based custom form s to pull data from project-based forms. The format for the Calculation field is Project.{ProjectFieldName} I've attached a screenshot from one of our implementations. Hope this helps! Catherine Hayes Manager, Business Analytics and Program Operations The Channel Company Westborough MA