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Projected Hours by Date


Level 1
Hi all - First time post after hours of hunting.... It'll probably exist. We're trying to create a report for PMs that can show by project a list of tasks, who is assigned and then how many scheduled hours there are in weeks/months/qtrs going forward. While this seems relatively easy for actuals (entry date) and if the tasks were due to start (planned start) these are tasks that are ongoing (sometimes for months on end) but we need to pull how much time has already been assigned to the resources going forward. I can get the hours, I just can't organise this in the Martix to have the date ranges for the upcoming hours. Any ideas? Bests, People call me Bear
1 Reply


Community Advisor
Hi Andrew, In case you can't get the granularity you need through the standard reporting, I invite you to consider our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/capacity-charting/" Capacity Charts solution. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore