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Project view with Baseline Task field data


Level 10

Hi WF Community,

Does anyone know if it's possible to display Baseline Task (object) field data as columns within a project view. For example. if I'm on a project, I can see Baseline Task Field A and Baseline Task Field B as columns displayed inline with each task in my project.

The API Explorer says there's no collections related to the Baseline Task object, but there is a Reference to the Task object. Since the task object is one layer down from the Project object, I was wondering if there is a possibility here?

I tried to embed a dashboard in the Project section of a layout template, to which that dashboard has a Baseline Task report in it, but Baseline Task reports don't reference project ID's, so it doesn't narrow the results to just the project you're viewing :(

Any ideas are welcomed.




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8 Replies


Community Advisor

Huh! Fancy bumping into you at the corner of Baseline Task and Reporting, Nick!

I'm working on something similar myself today, so am happy to share the example below (e.g. pulling Planned Start Date from the Default Baseline Task in a Task Report), which you might either be able to use directly, if you move down to a Task report, or adapt into an "Iterate" column, if you decide to stay at the Project level.



displayname=Baseline Task Planned Start Date










Level 10

I thought that was you hanging around ye ol' street corners ;)

Thanks for this idea. I'll see if it has potential, given my situation.


Level 10

Morning, Doug!

When you say "adapt into an "Iterate" column, if you decide to stay at the Project level", what exactly does that mean?

Attached is a screenshot of what I'm trying to do. The assumption is that I'm looking at the task list on a given project, and hoping maybe a text mode view might accomplish this?


Community Advisor

Hi Nick,

@NRYN R - inactive‚ has a good resource here (just search for "iterate" on the page).

What you're doing looks similar to my Project Management Time Travel blog post, which rather than Baseline Tasks uses Copied Projects, which I'd no longer recommend, (having inadvertently taken the Workfront Datacenter down doing so, back in the day; again, mia scuse).

Instead, you could use a Baseline Task report with:

  • View columns of Baseline: Name (first sort), Baseline:project:Name (optional, see below), Task:Task Number (third sort), Task:Name, Task:Planned Hours (summed), Planned Hours (summed)
  • Groupings by Task:Name (row grouping in Matrix mode) and Baseline: Name (column grouping in Matrix mode)...noting that Project Name is not available through the builder, so if you want it, add it as custom data on the Tasks (e.g. a calc parameter called "Task Project Name" with a formula of "=Project.Name"), ensure they're all updated, and then you can group by that custom parameter (e.g. first row grouping in Matrix mode); and (bonus marks) I'd also go under Matrix Settings and UNCHECK Show Matrix Row Counts (since always 1 in this case); and (bonus bonus marks) since the Task Planned Hours are not available through the builder, you could add custom data on the Tasks (e.g. a calc parameter called "Original Planned Hours" with a formula of "=Planned Hours"), ensure they're all updated, and then you can group by that custom parameter (second row grouping on Matrix mode...if you give up the Task Project Name grouping mentioned earlier, since a matrix can only have two levels per axis. Without this last part, you won't be able to see the Task Planned Hours in the Matrix (but can in the regular report details).
  • Filter (or Prompt) by project(s) of interest
  • (Optional) Add a Chart in Bar mode, Bottom (X) Axis = Baseline Task >> Planned Hours (Sum), Left (Y) Axis = Task Name, Grouped Bars = on, Side By Side, Grouped Data by = Baseline Name

Have fun, and I'm interested to hear how you make out!




Project Name column textmode:










Hey Doug, could you help me with this piece?

  • "Project Name is not available through the builder, so if you want it, add it as custom data on the Tasks (e.g. a calc parameter called "Task Project Name" with a formula of "=Project.Name")"
  1. I've created a Calculated Field on a Task Custom Form titled Task Project Name and a Calculation of {name}, but this only pulls the Task name.
  2. I then added the Project object to the form, but both Project name and Task name are {name}, which still only pulls the Task name.
  3. Next, I created a Project Custom Form with a Calculated Field titled Project-Task Project Name with a Calculation of {name}, which pulls the Project name on the Project Custom Form, then I updated the Calculation of the Task Project Name field in #1 above to {Project-Task Project Name}, but this is not pulling any data in.

Any help is appreciated!


Community Advisor


Certainly @JamesM-MERGE,


Try changing the Task Project Name formula to {project}.{name} to go "up" to the project from the task (vs {name} which as you discovered, retrieves the task name)





Thanks Doug!


Level 10

Great, thanks for this, Doug! I think I'll have to re-read a few times, but I'm curious to see how this turns out.