Project Managers are processing a Project throughout a system within a company.
The Project Owner is ultimately responsible for the initiation and completion of a Project requested to be worked on.
Why would you not give the Admin the ability to change this nomenclature/role? It gives the flexibility needed.
I read that in 2017 it was a hard NO from your development team with a very weak rational. The answer given the impression that the developer doesn't truly understand the need or use within a company of the Workfront tool. Why not give the Admin the ability to decide rather than what is believed internally from a non-user.
Please revisit this request.
Here is the internal response to the request:
Level 2
Thank you for submitting this request, voting for it, and sharing your use cases. We have reviewed the request and even though we understand it’s reasonable we will not change the name of the "Project Owner" field in Workfront at this time. We believe that users that might not be project managers can be responsible for and own a project. In this case, they can be designated as Project Owners. As a result, I will be marking this idea as "Not planned".
I see where this request from MANY Project Managers who utilize this tool for it's intent why not allow the Global Admin the option to call it works best for their company needs. You declined to review and align with other companies requests, you declined to review or align in 2019. Can you revisit now on 2022 and at a minimum offer the option to allow the Global Admin the opportunity to change/update as needed. It seems as though a super users needs would give Workfront the rationale to making the continued requests a reality. Meeting the end users requests and needs when making decisions on updates would be appreciated.
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I agree that system admins must have the ability to change the label of the field "Project Owner" to suit the company's needs. This phrase is causing a lot of confusion because we see the business owner that's requesting the work as the project owner (in Workfront world "project sponsor"). We see the person creating/managing the project plan as the "project manager".
PLEASE reconsider allowing customers to make their own determination on what they want the name to be.
I see you have a post for a request from Project Managers to change "Project Owner" to Project Manager from 2019. This has been an issue since then.
I placed my same request 3 years after this initial request and see where several would like the flexibility to make that change.
My job title and role are synonymous in the industry. A PROJECT MANAGER. Not a Project Owner. Since most, in the creative fields, use this program as a Project Managers or a Traffic Manager tool. WF is used to manage the process, not to own the projects outcome throughout a business channel. Please better explain WHY we are not given the flexibility to change this in the Project Owner field? It seems a simple change but with a Huge outcome. I would have assumed WF would not have had such a short sighted answer.