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Prevent task deletion when document attached


Level 4

Is there a way to prevent a task from being deleted when a document lives on that task? We have had several instances lately where the user deleted a task unaware that a document/proof lived on it and it allows them to delete the task along with the document. I tested it and it doesn't give any warning that there is a document attached nor does it ask if you want to delete the document along with the task. I was hoping deleting the task would at minimum move the document to the project level but it doesn't, it deletes it. Then when we go the the recycling bin to restore the document it is not listed under documents since it was the task that was actually deleted, so it takes some detective work to determine which task the document was on. (especially when a parent task was the one deleted) Has anyone found a way to handle this?

2 Replies


Community Advisor

task deletion will be prevented when document is checked out.



user will get a warning/error message


Level 4

I don't think checking out the document would be a solution for us. We use automated proof workflows that may have more than one user reviewing the document at one time. Also when the review is complete we move the proof to the next proofing task which would require a new version be added on top and if the last user forgot to check the document back in it wouldn't allow a new version. I think we would have more occurrences where the file being checked out became an issue than the file being accidentally deleted.


When you delete a folder in the documents area if gives you a prompt to delete the folder and keep the contents or delete it all. If you delete a portfolio it doesn't delete the projects in it too. There should be the same option when deleting a task that has files on it.