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Planned Revenue Doesn't Sum When Selecting Parent Tasks Only.


Level 3
** EDIT ** When my filter on this report says to selects "Indent" greater than 0, the sum of the planned benefit column works in the grouping for the project. However when I select equal to zero (top level parent task). The sum function fails. It's just blank. I have attached two images showing the difference. Michael Schutte Odw Logistics, Inc. ******************************************************************************************************************** BELOW IS NO LONGER NEEDED. I can use the Indent field to select the top level parent tasks. ******************************************************************************************************************** I'm attempting to create a report of billable tasks to send to an external customer. Now that I started this I've come up with another question. I have designed this report to show only tasks that have children. I've realized that I do not want that, what I really want is the top level parent tasks only. So is there a "Has Parent Task" filter that I can add? Or some other method. As an example, I may have Development -- Programming -- Change Program A -- Change Program B -- Unit Testing User Acceptance Testing -- Testing With User John Doe. I want Development, and User Acceptance Testing to show on the report while leaving programming off. Now to the original purpose of this post.
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