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Parent's Parent Reporting?


Level 7
Good Morning, Does anyone know if it is possible to report on a parent's parent (essentially a grandparent task)? A few reports we have at the moment highlight or are filtered out by something related to a parent task whether it be the priority, a name condition, custom field etc. In most templates we have one parent task a group of subtasks and this is easy enough to report on. Some of our templates now have one main parent task, but within this parent task we have sub-parent tasks and if possible would like to still be able to report on the parent of these in the same way I do normal parent tasks? Does anyone have a way to do this or any suggestions? Thanks, Vicky. Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited
9 Replies


Level 4
There are two ways you can do this. If you always need the grandparent information you can add a second parent to a column. So select a key field from the parent information in standard mode and convert to text mode. So here is the parent:name field converted to text mode: valuefield=parent:name querysort=parent:name valueformat=HTML displayname= linkedname=parent namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=parent namekeyargkey.1=name And add a second parent valuefield=parent:parent:name querysort=parent:parent:name valueformat=HTML displayname=Grandparent namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=parent namekeyargkey.1=parent namekeyargkey.2=name For a filter the process is similar: parent:name=Grand parent:name_Mod=cicontains Becomes parent:parent:name=Grand parent:parent:name_Mod=cicontains For the above to work you should have a filter that indent > 1 to prevent the system from trying to find grandparent information on tasks without grandparents. If you sometimes need parent information and sometimes need the information in the current task. Add a calculated field called say "Parent Chase" to all tasks with 2 different forms. For the parent task the "Parent Chase" field has a formula that is equal to a key field like name. For the child tasks, the field is equal to parent.Parent Chase. For grandchild tasks, their parent already has the field to it's parent field so this will work for fields all the way down. You will have to recalculate fields a few times if you have deep sub-task trees. -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com Helpful? Buy me a coffee: https://www.patreon.com/mlayten - we simplify your work so you can run your business -


Level 2
Hi @Melinda Layten I'm trying to display all child tasks up to 2 levels if the parent task is flagged. I tried following your suggestions with no luck. Might you be able to spot my mistake? project:ownerID=5a42578c0000c549fbfe2ce189a16d4e project:ownerID_Mod=in DE:parent:PM Highlight=Blue DE:parent:PM Highlight_Mod=in OR:1:indent=1 OR:1:indent_Mod=gt OR:1:DE:parent:parent:PM Highlight=Blue OR:1:DE:parent:parent:PM Highlight_Mod=in OR:1:project:ownerID=5a42578c0000c549fbfe2ce189a16d4e OR:1:project:ownerID_Mod=in TIA David Ngo JLL


Level 7
Hi @Melinda Layten I'm sure I used this report before and it worked but we are now trying to report on the parent task containing custom data or the grand parent containing the same custom data. I have tried: DE:parent:Product Ref=S027 DE:parent:Product Ref_Mod=cieq OR:1:DE:parent:parent:Product Ref=S027 OR:1:DE:parent:parent:Product Ref_Mod=cieq Even just trying the parent:parent filter on its own I still seem to not have any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Vicky Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 7
Hey Vicky, When referencing a custom field, the DE: needs to be before the custom field itself. So it would theoretically look like this instead: parent:DE:Product Ref=S027 parent:DE:Product Ref_Mod=cieq OR:1:parent:parent:DE:Product Ref=S027 OR:1:parent:parent:DE:Product Ref_Mod=cieq Give that a go. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 7
Hey @Dustin Martin Thank you for the response. Unfortunately I am still getting the error message with that one too :( When I have the Parent Product Ref=S027 in standard mode and then switch to text mode the text it gives is : DE:parent:DE:Product Ref=S027 DE:parent:DE:Product Ref_Mod=cieq And this is what lead me to writing the text mode the way I did initially. Anything else I can try? Thanks, Vicky Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 7
Hey Vicky, I've been tinkering with this in my environment, and this works for me: displayname=Grandparent WBS linkedname=parent namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=parent:parent namekeyargkey.1=WBS querysort=parent:DE:parent:WBS textmode=true valuefield=parent:parent:WBS valueformat=customDataLabelsAsString Bearing in mind, my custom field is just called WBS. Here's what it looks like: "http://drop.workfront.com/e2cb981c268b" title="WBS Custom Field - grandparent">http://drop.workfront.com/e2cb981c268b You should be able to replace WBS with your custom field name. Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 7
Hi @Dustin Martin This is great for looking at the column in a view thank you. Is it possible to have this as a filter on a report? Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 7
Hey Vicky, Not that I've been able to figure out, it looks like it might be too 'far' away in the database for a filter. I tried a ton of combinations to try and get it to work, all of which resulted in errors. :( Our consulting team might have a better answer for you, as they're the reporting gurus... I just tinker with things now and then. =) Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 1
Is it possible to do a great grandparent? We are using the Agenda builder suggested at LEAP and we have 3rd level tasks we want to report on but for instance: Project Summary>Moody's>CRE>DATA>Data Provided We want to report on "Data Provided" but we need to know that it relates to CRE. There are multiple "DATA" in the Moody's task. Adrianne Cole Southside Bank