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Outlook Add On: Custom Form not displaying


Level 2
Hello, I can submit work requests without any problem using the Outlook add in / plugin. The only thing that isn't working is the custom form. The title of the custom form shows up, but none of the fields. Is there a trick to getting this to work? Thanks for the advice, -Corey Corey Auger
3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Corey, Could be a couple of things. Is this also happening when they look at the same request menu in WF itself? If so, is it you that's performing this or one of your Users (i.e. is the person a Sys Admin)? If they're a Sys Admin it's not an access issue. If they're not a Sys Admin it could be an access problem with the Project the subsequent Request will reside in. That project must have the following setting under Edit Project > Access (see screen shot). The user must also have at least a Worker license. If that isn't it, I would usually re-download the add-in (the equivalent of Restarting �� ).


Level 2
Vic-- The access level was set to View instead of Contribute. After I made that modification, the custom form appeared for me in the add-in. Thank you so much for the information. This was a huge help!! -Corey Corey Auger


Level 10
Awesome. Glad it helped. I ran across that 3-4 years ago and it drove me crazy for like a full day trying to figure it out. So it's burned in my brain. ��