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notes API and email subject line


Level 10
Is there a way via API to change the subject line of the email notification sent when sending a directed update? Eg. yadayada/note?update={"noteText":"Hello","noteObjCode":"USER","objID":"12345325242","tags":[tag info]} This would make the update appear on the user's page as well as send an email notification that has a subject line of "XYZ wanted you to know". I want to change "XYZ wanted you to know" to something else, based on some criteria. There is such a thing as subject in the API explorer and I tried adding that in, thinking that's what it meant. That didn't change the subject line of the email notification but checking the fields thru API showed me that subject had an input. Not sure what it's used for or how. I'm getting some wires crossed with the API support person, I was told to just change the global notification for a directed updated. Even those does not match up with "wanted you to know"... Comment on {referenceObject:name} on {project:name} Comment on {topReferenceObject:name} Polly Co
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi @Polly Co - I've had a look and can't work it out either. It seems like this "wanted you to know" isn't in the list of editable email notification templates. Perhaps this is an oversight from Development. I'd keep pushing the support ticket and see if they can get you an explanation (which then might result in a fix). Please keep us posted. David Cornwell


Level 10
@David Cornwell , support said it's not something we can change. So I asked what then is the subject field about? Purple as quoted by support person. The subject field will be populated with in the API if the update is a system update. So if I upload a doc to an object, the update will say: "https://rileyrohloff.my.workfront.com/user/view?ID=5b15908b008d09ed18250ab98a878fa3" data-test-id="username-link" XSDAFAF uploaded "https://rileyrohloff.my.workfront.com/document/view?versionID=5c990809005a681c92bbfd2451ba70e4" Image 2019-03-25 at 10.46.41 AM.png in the update stream. Then the actual note object will have the 'subject' field filled out with: 'Attachment Action' ID: "5c990809005a683f1fdcb1f50282aef2", objCode: "NOTE", subject: "Attachment Action", html: null I did not pursue anymore as I don't think there is a way to get what I want done currently. Polly Co