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New Workfront admin looking for support


Level 2

Hello, I've been using Workfront within marketing teams for almost three years. I took on the role of system admin 6 months ago with limited training. I am currently taking on the challenge to make some significant changes to our current workflow and instance organization and I have limited support. I would really love to be able to connect with another marketing workfont admin for insights, tips or just a sounding board to share ideas with. I am hoping someone in this group may be willing to connect with me one on one.


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1 Reply



Hi Charleigh!

I know that you'll do great as a new system admin because you're already utilizing the resources. I'm sure there are people on here that you can find to connect with and share their experiences with you. We do have the ability for you to visit individuals profiles and message them directly so if you see someone sharing content that you enjoy, feel free to visit their profile and click on the little "message" box at the top to send them a direct message.

Also, I don't know if you're using Agile in your department, but we do have a user group coming up on Tuesday, September 15th for Workfront customers like yourself trying to do more with Workfront in their marketing departments. Those are great places to connect live with other users.

I'll look around and see if there aren't some people I can connect you with as well.

Have a great day!

Kyna Baker

Workfront community manager