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New Priorities Area


Level 10

Has anyone been playing around with the new Priorities area in preview? I can't seem to be able to log in as another user to see what their Priorities area looks like for them.  


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5 Replies


Level 7


Not an issue with the Priorities area but Adobe's Unified experience. I too get logged out as soon as I want to log-in-as another user in Preview. 


Level 10

I think that's the issue. I'm logged out and asked to log in again through the console.  It says I'm logged in as the user but the priorities page is showing only my information. The other areas are theirs. 


Level 4

Using the 'log in as' in Sandbox or Preview is currently not working is currently broken...


Community Advisor

It may be because Priorities isn't officially launched until next week so maybe whatever you're seeing isn't the full functionality.

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Level 10

My issue is that I can't remove it from layout templates until I'm able to vet it and send a communication to the company.  It's available to everyone by default.