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Nesting IF statements in Calculated Field


Level 2
I'm currently stuck with a problem when it comes to nested statements. I'll try to explain what I'm trying to do. Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 I have 3 choices that my calculation is looking at. Each only one choice will have data and my calculated field will display that data. This is the calculation I have right now. IF(ISBLANK(Choice 1,Choice 2),CONCAT(Choice 3),IF(ISBLANK(Choice 3,Choice 2),CONCAT(Choice 1),IF(ISBLANK(Choice 1,Choice 3),CONCAT(Choice 2)))) With this expression, I can get Choice 3 and Choice 1 to appear in the calculated field. However, when I add in the 3rd statement, Choice 2 is not appearing. Not sure if it's something to do with my expression or limits within Workfront. Laura Manley Stream Companies
3 Replies


Level 6
Hi Laura, I don't believe that the ISBLANK function works with 2 values in it. You might want to try the && (and) qualifier. It would look a little something like this: IF(ISBLANK(choice 1) && ISBLANK(choice 3), CONCAT(choice 2) , ...... This reads: IF choice 1 AND choice 3 are blank then Concat choice 2 Hope it works for you! Justin Renteria SSFCU


Level 1

Hi All!,


Do either of you know how to CONCAT 4 or more if statement values by chance? For example, IF(Choice 1=A&&Choice 2=B,"123",IF(Choice 1=C&&Choice 2=D,"456",N/A)) 

I am using check boxes and trying to get all accurate values to show up in a calculated field, so for example is both if statements are correct I would like the calculated field to read "123, 456"


Level 2
Thank you! That seems to have worked. Laura Manley Stream Companies