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Need help connecting issues and tasks from a reporting perspective


Level 2

Hey all! I'm trying to connect data we capture on our issues and data we're capturing on our tasks and I'm not having much luck. Any thoughts? I tried a work item report but that doesn't get me what I need. We convert issues into tasks or projects depending on how big they are. We score the level of effort on the issue and have that field on a custom form and the same field is on the task or the project custom form. When we convert the issue and assign it out, the team member does an intake and fills in a value in a new field on the intake task for what they gather at the intake. I want to be able to report across the issue and the task and all I can think of to solve for this is to have them populate the task with the conversion ID to give me a link to the original issue. Any other ideas? It feels super manual but we've been beating our heads against the wall and I have not come up with anything more sound.


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