Hi everyone, can anyone advise me or share the experience if managed in doing this: I would like to have a single request form (very simple - few fields only) that each time a user enters feeds into an ongoing project with a predetermined set of tasks. ( ideally also, picking up some information directly from the form) - In a nutshell, the requestor should have it easy to put in the information. - This information should route in some kind of automation/ transfer into an existing project. - Yearly work grouped in one project. This is not our standard way of working, we usually have a single request--> resolved by a single project, but for a series of small requests always with the same information I would like to cut some admin work and have it all in a single project. I have tried playing with request forms directly routing to a project, and also with task forms attached to the ongoing project... no luck, I am probably missing something and am a bit stuck with how else should I try. Any ideas? Thank you, Dea Dea Mijakovac