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More Relevant Email Notifications


Level 1

I am an end user in an organization using Workfront in managing Creative projects for marketing home devices and appliances.
A typical project might involve:

  • Packaging
    • Design
    • Artwork
    • Creative Writing
    • Photography
    • 3D Rendering
      • The Products themselves...
      • And their associated Parts and Accessories
  • Collateral Design
    • Quick Start Guides
    • Instruction Manuals
  • Web Pages
    • D2C
    • Retailers

Each of the above 'stages' have their own approval process, some in Workfront and some in other SAAS.

As I am not an administrator of Workfront but simply an end user I am trying to understand how we can better structure our organization in Workfront to enable users to get more targeted email notifications. With our current setup, I will get emails notifications about:

  • Workfront Projects being started
  • Being assigned to certain Tasks
  • Documents being added
  • Design proofs being uploaded
  • Photography Contact Sheets being shared

and many, many more, all with their related comments and back-and-forth from numerous individuals.

The frustrating part about this is that only about 20% of this is relevant to me. I know that I can minimize some of these notifications in my profile.

If we were to create more specific teams within Workfront such as:

  • Design
  • Production
  • Writing
  • 3D Rendering
  • Digital

Is there a way in WF to have email notifications be more appropriate for each Team and avoid all the unnecessary clutter that we are all getting?

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Phunkidude,


You can adjust your notifications in your user profile.  Click the 9-dot menu at top right, then click your name, you can then select Edit under the 3 dot menu and go to the Notifications section by click it on the left side.  You can then review all the notifications being sent to you, in your case above, things like documents and proofs being added you should be able to turn off those notifications as they are not necessary for you.


Start at this link, https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/basics/use-notifications/notifications-actio... to give you idea of what the notifications in that section mean.  On the left-side panel you'll see other "Notifications" topics that describe what you're seeing in the notification areas, that should help you determine what you want turned on and what might make sense to turn off.  Hope this reduces the noise for you.


Community Advisor

The link Kurt provided is super helpful. Users can also turn off notifications they don't want by clicking the "Stop Emails of This Type" link at the bottom of each email.