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migration to Adobe Admin Console--preparation


Level 7

Well, we received notice today from Adobe that our migration is scheduled to start on 12/5.  Our IT department has been completely MIA on this subject (hence the late window), but could anyone who's finished the migration offer tips on how we could prep to minimize disruption?

We don't use single sign-on (which I understand has been one of the biggest pain-points), but I am concerned about other issues we might encounter--users accessing WF; provisioning/managing users; Fusion; etc.

I'm reading through some of the other forum posts now and I'm wondering if anyone has thoughts regarding steps they took (or wish they had taken) prior to the migration that made the process smoother.

Thank you in advance!


5 Replies


Level 6

Following your question as we also received notification.  We have several contributor users that never sign into Workfront, it was suggested that they be deactivated prior to migration.  I'm waiting on a response, but has anyone else done this?  Will the deactivated user lose visiblity to their proofs or ability to make a decision on them?  We don't have many that actually submit requests, so I think proofing is the main concern with deactivating. Most of our users access proofs from their emails and not logging in - so I don't think that's a concern. I could look at last login date to determine which ones do log in.  I think I'd also want to tag them somehow so I know who was deactivated for the migration vs deactivated for actually no longer a user.


Level 4

Hi Kristen - we painfully moved at the end of the summer.   For the most part the Admin Console migration was not too bad, it was when we moved to the Unified Experience we started to see some issues with our instance.    One of the biggest draw back is also something Stacey mentioned was the management of 3rd parties and contributors.   You have to move everyone regardless of what their role is.   We have an issue because we have our 3rd parties as resources but our team leads and project managers update their task.   We can no longer have them as a Resource as each Resource needs to have a valid email address.


We do not use SSO either, so there was very little for our IT to do other than make sure the sites were Whitelisted (which should already be completed).   But the web address changes slightly once the conversion is complete.


Managing users is not too challenging, but make sure your Sys Admins have the correct rights.   The Admin Console is not very intuitive when making sure your Sys Admins have the correct rights to all environments.


My only word of caution, is do not rely on your Adobe support team that has contacted you to help you out.   We found them to be very pushy and not very much help.   Fortunately, I was able to figure most of it out myself.   Keep your Account Manager in the loop on all emails - this helps manage the cut over expectations.


Good luck in your migration - feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.


Level 7

Thank you, Scott!


Community Advisor

I think @Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore posted a thread about this a few months ago.


Community Advisor


Thanks for the tag, @RandyRoberts.


@KristenS_WF and @Stacey_Robertson, I suspect Randy is referring to is this Adobe Admin Console Dear Diary post, but there are many others on the topic, too, which I suggest you review using this search link (and sort descending by views).


