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Meet Your New Community Manager!


Level 9
Hey everyone! I want to introduce you to your new Community Manager, @Alison Milbury . She's wonderful in all the very best ways. Going forward, she'll be your main point of contact for all things Community and the majority of the messages you'll receive via the Community will be from her. She has some cool plans for the Community in 2018. I'm really excited for her and the team! Take a minute and add her as a contact, say "hi" to her in the comments of this post, or reach out to her via email and give her a warm welcome. You can read more about her on the ""https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=939a3c4e-7874-49d8-b59e-a0f442b2441e&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bm231">Introduce Yourself " thread... including her obsession with a Greek God. I am heading off to pursue a dream of mine - to help rid the world of mediocre love. I'd love to keep in touch with you, so feel free to connect with me on "https://www.linkedin.com/in/natebagley/">LinkedIn or "https://www.facebook.com/natebagley">Facebook , or just follow the journey "http://loveumentary.com">here or "http://first7years.com">here . I'm so grateful to have had the chance to participate in this incredible community and wish you all the best. -Nate Nate Bagley Community Manager Workfront natebagley@workfront.com | 801.477.9712
3 Replies


Level 5
Thank you for the introduction Nate! I know that you will be missed here and we wish you all the best on your new adventure. Hello Workfronters! I am very excited to be here and get to know all of you. I am so impressed with the community that Workfront has going and I feel so lucky to get to be a part of it. As Nate said, please add me as a connection and feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I would also love to hear any ideas that you have that could make your community experience even better. Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager


Level 8
Welcome to the family Alison!! I'm looking forward to all the wonderful things you have planned for Community and for getting to know you! Nate - Hope you enjoy your new adventure!! (Let me know if you have any pointers on finding love. Heaven knows I need the help! lol). We'll miss you (and your hilarious gifs)! Mohini (Mini) Sinha Excelsior College


Level 4
Welcome!!! Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.