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Manually changing the planned completion date and TIME of a project


Level 7

We set up most of our project timelines from an established due date, but sometimes this date changes. I have gone to manually change it in the main project page by just clicking on the date. But when I change it here, it changes it to MIDNIGHT of that date, meaning the project is due really early morning of that date instead of close of business on that date - missing that entire workday. I really want it to be 5 PM of that date. I tried to see if there was some sort of general setting I should change and I couldn't find it. Am I missing something?0694X00000C22EzQAJ.png


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2 Replies


Community Advisor

I run into that same issue when updating the planned completion of an issue from the header. I'd use that more frequently if the time remained consistent with what was currently set.

Instead I always go into the issue details and edit there.


Level 7

Hmm, then seems like a minor thing they could maybe improve on then. At least have the ability to change the time in that calendar pop out.