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Leap Session Q&A - Optimizing your Digital Ecosystem


Level 1

Did you get a chance to check out our LEAP 2020 session on digital eco-system optimization? If not, here's a link: Optimizing your Digital Eco-system . We'd love to talk about your digital eco-system, pain points, opportunities, etc. Let us know what you think!


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2 Replies



I loved your session! It got me thinking about several things... a couple of questions for you:

  • The stats you shared said that 33% of people might continue remote working post-Covid. Will you allow remote work long-term at Rego? How are your clients planning on handling this long-term?
  • The 4 questions you shared about how to analyze the digital cornerstone of your eco-system... is there one corner you normally start with first? Or as you shared with your example of the firm, is it more about what is urgent AND important?
  • Last question, can you share how you keep people engaged across the company in a process like your example that takes 12-18 months? I've found that people get tired over time and enthusiasm starts to lag. What do you suggest to combat that?


Level 1

Rego was 100% remote prior to Cov-ID. We have no "Headquarters Building". If I'm not at a client site, I'm working from home. 😁

I think the Cornerstone analysis depends on the situation - usually by asking a variety of resources in a variety of roles about their pain points and their wish lists, you can get a feel for where the biggest gaps might be. As a default, I like to start with processes - it avoids the opportunity for finger pointing and takes the focus off of the technology. After all, if you automate a flawed process, you still have a flawed process. :)

Engagement! We leverage change champions at all levels of the organization; hopefully they stay engaged a little longer than most. An advantage of having an iterative implementation strategy is that people can see improvements at a much higher frequency. Following a published roadmap so that your users can see what is coming when can keep them optimistic. Regular progress reports and reinforcement by leaders can be helpful as well.