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Leap is now part of Adobe Summit—The Digital Experience Conference



We’re thrilled to announce that our annual user conference, Leap, will be incorporated into Adobe Summit‚Äîthe world’s largest digital experience conference. This free and virtual event will be held April 27 - 28, 2021. As a global event, Adobe Summit will have content and sessions tailored to multiple geographies, industries, and topics.

The sole focus of Workfront Leap has always been to provide our customers the opportunity to network, learn, and grow within the Workfront community. Now that Workfront is an Adobe company, you can look forward to even richer content and a broader networking base through the inclusion of Leap content and engagement in Adobe Summit. As always, we will feature customer stories, work management best practices, and product expertise. We are confident that this shift will result in an amazing experience for all of our customers!

We invite you to join us April 27-28, 2021. Registration goes live later this month and is free to everyone. If you have already invested in Leap 2021 passes, there is nothing you need to do. All prepaid Leap passes will be refunded within 60 days.

We look forward to seeing you online at Adobe Summit this year and face-to-face in the years to come! If you have any questions, please contact the Leap team at leap@workfront.com.


The Leap Team


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23 Replies

Hi John,

If you're feeling up to it, I invite you to join 👀 "Doug Unplugged": How To SORT a Collection...Wait. What? (3) Braindate, which I've just set up for tomorrow morning (April 29, 2021) at 11:30am Eastern.

We ran two sessions back-to-back this morning, and both were fun, geeky, and all about Workfront -- highly enjoyable, and thanks again to all who attended!




Level 10

So far it feels like "Adobe bought Workfront as a means to hawk other Adobe solutions." Yesterday I saw the same "Adobe ecosystem" slides in multiple Workfront presentations.

I am sure this is not literally the case, and they mean well harping on the upsell (WF itself acts this way about Fusion), but…if the presentation is about Workfront, focus on that. Otherwise, it's just padding of the run time and some of these 30 minute presentations are already only 10–15 minutes.


Level 8

Have ya'll been able to hop onto some of the braindates? They're super awesome little networking/Workfront specific discussions that feel like a little dose of Leap! Just go to this link and type Workfront in the search bar to join them! I'm pretty sure they go all the way until Thursday :)
