
Kanban Backlog Column - Need to search for project name, not only task name


Level 2

Hi there! I am test driving a new Workfront Kanban board I created and am stumbling upon an issue I can't seem to work around. The backlog intake column contains a lengthy list of tasks assigned to my team and I'm finding it very difficult to sort through. I tried using the search tool to find specific tasks to move across the board but the search results keep coming up empty.


Parent project name: Fall 2023 Campaign
Our team's task name: Web Page Live

In the backlog column, when I use the search tool to search for any keywords in the parent project name (Fall, 2023, Campaign) I get no results. When I search for any keywords used in the task name (Web, Page, Live) I get results. The problem is that MOST of our tasks are named the same (Web Page Live) for numerous different projects (100+). To find our tasks for a specific project, I need to be able to search for project name in the backlog column which doesn't seem possible.

Is my only option to scroll through every single "Web Page Live" task to find the one I am looking for? If so, I can't see the Kanban board being an efficient tool to manage work.

Seeking feedback or helpful advice, thank you!

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Level 2

For those looking for a solution, I submitted this question to customer support and at this time there doesn't appear to be a way to search for project name using the search tool within the backlog/intake column. They gave me two alternate methods for finding tasks to add to the Kanban board:

1) Click the "Add Card" button at the top right of the board, select Connected card, then search for the project name, then select the task to add as a card. This does not utilize the backlog/intake column at all, instead you're manually creating and adding cards to the board.


2) Filter the backlog/intake column down to a specific project under the Configure settings. After a project is selected (you can select multiple), apply the filter and the associated tasks will then populate the backlog/intake column which can then be dragged onto the board. Repeat this process until you have found all tasks to add to the board.