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Is There an Text Mode to hard code in a userid/password


Level 10
Is there a text mode to hard code in a userid and password for Workfront? or Can I make the userid and password a prompt? Trying to give external users access to see 1 report - based on documentation - this is at the requestors license level - however, I do not want to create 100s of WF userids at the requestor level - and I mean 100s - so if I can run the 1 report and hard code in the userid and password - or make this a prompt - then this workaround might just work. Any hackers out there? Thanks. Benetta Perry APS

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2 Replies


Level 7
Hi Benetta, You can't set a prompt to do that, but you can hard code a username and password as a link. The only down side is that it will show up as plain text, so any user that can see the link, can see the username/password. Your best option would be to set the report to "run with the access rights of.." a system admin, then generate a public URL in the sharing area, and provide that URL to folks. All the best, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Found the proper solution - Finally got this working - using the collections report (thanks skye) - from the Leap 2019 - excellent solution. Benetta Perry APS