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Is there a way to make a Custom form field "required" at the task level ?\nthanks


Level 4

토픽은 커뮤니티 콘텐츠를 분류하여 관련성 있는 콘텐츠를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다.

6 답변 개


Level 4

Hi Jennifer,

There's a "make a required field" option under Additional Settings for the field settings. Is this what you're trying to accomplish?


Level 4

Hi Leigh,

Thanks for the answer. Not quite. I'd like a required field only at one specific task, not at the global level.




Level 4

Oh yeah, not sure about if you only want it in certain circumstances. Might need a separate task template with just that field, to apply only when applicable. I'd be curious to see other responses, for my own knowledge :)


Level 4

Oh thanks. I don't even think I knew about that. I'll look it up. There was mention on a thread here a few weeks ago, about Collections, but I haven't seen a follow-up.


Level 10

Well... yes and no. Yes you can make a field required on a task, but it only works if someone edits the task. If a person just accepts the work, does an update, and completes it, the block to fill out the field never happens. (Same with Projects). :(

Because of this, we have Compliance Dashboards that point out things missing so people can just fill them out in-line edit on the dashboard.


Level 4

Thanks Anthony. Oh I think I understand a bit. We have one custom form for Compliance and Translation, but need to capture separate data fields for each section, so ideally we should have two forms then