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Is there a tool to migrate Asana projects to Workfront?


Level 2

We're finalizing our Workfront implementation next week and will be turning off Asana shortly after.  Does anyone know if there a tool to migrate Asana projects over to Workfront?


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3 Replies


Level 9

Hello Donna,


I am quite sure, that you will not be able to find a ready to use tool to do that, but I would suggest to have a look on the APIs of Asana and Workfront. Concerning Workfront it could also be helpful if you have Fusion, but it is not really necessary. I recently build some migration steps in Python to migrate from a different project management tool to Workfront.





Level 10

Hi @DonnaBr4,


I invite you to consider our Excel Updater solution, which provides a cost-effective path to integrate data into Workfront without having to learn the API, write code, or set up a server, and is ideal for both one time and reoccurring data loads.


