Ellen: yes, we do. The way the hours spread around has been confusing the RM (and me, honestly). We even have weekly meetings where the entire design and production staff meet and we go around the room and everyone verbally states their availability for the RM: busy all week, have some time tomorrow, busy until Thursday, etc. The RM doodles this down as rough information, mentions if that person has specific work coming or is already booked (and they didn't realize it yet), etc. Pretty sure we're still doing this, despite WF in theory should know this info. It's driving the RM nuts splitting between "what works" and "this new thing that just isn't capturing everything." I think it's partially our own fault, but I'd like to see how it "should be done" or "can be done" from end-to-end before saying it's our fault vs. WF's fault (or "WF can't work the way we do" and just bail on the RM features...). Kevin Quosig