My takeaway from 2019 LEAP was the "Current Task" calculation view....problem I am having now is with a scrum team that uses more than one schedule.....thus returning more info than I'd want a customer to see....I JUST need the first task to show in column.
so given this provided calculation:
displayname=Current Task(s)
valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}>0,"",IF(ISBLANK({handoffDate}),"",IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),CONCAT(" | ",{name}),"")))
I get this - the first one in bold is accurate and I don't need anything that comes after
| Review p2 - make edits | Production task - Send P3 to customer | Production task - Make P2 changes - Complete Task in Sprint AND Production Template | Production task - Approve as FInal - Complete Task in Sprint AND Production Template | Post-Production task - Share Final PDF | Post-Production task - DSF # w/Customer | Production task - Make P3 changes - Complete Task in Sprint AND Production Template | Set Project Status to Complete
I have submitted a ticket but thought I'd double up in hope for quickest and thank you
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Hi Tegwyn,
To my As Soon As Impossible way of thinking, Current Tasks are those that DO have a Handoff Date, so I would instead use the following similar but slightly different logic:
valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}>0,"",IF(ISBLANK({handoffDate}),"",IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate}),CONCAT(" | ",{name}),""),""))
Alternatively, if you prefer what you had but wanted to further restrict it, you could add another IF statement that only displays those Tasks whose Planned Start Date is within some time horizon of interest (e.g. within the next 5 days), and effectively hide those others that are Too Far Out To Worry About (yet).
Thank you Doug - I was hoping to hear from you.....I'll give this a try.
I have limited skills with calc fields and can really only do basic stuff without asking for help so I might be back. =)
Appreciate your help !!!!!
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Hi @Doug Den Hoed‚ - appreciate you sharing this code! I have pasted as defined, and not yielding any results. Is 'handoffDate' a custom field? Not sure what else I would be missing... Thanks!
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Hi Amber,
Mmm...I wonder if our Editorial Calendar solution might meet your needs, but within Workfront...
The handoffDate is a built in field, and in your case, there are many Child tasks that are readyToStart (same idea; another built in field), so all are being returned. If there is some predecessor > successor relationship (e.g. ASAP) you could put between them to relate them sequentially, only one would then com back at a time.
Barring that (e.g. if they're not related in that way), you'd either need to add some kind of additional IF statement to hide the ones you don't really care about (e.g. perhaps just those with Planned Completion Date less than $$TODAY+7d), but you might still get several, and because iterate results cannot be sorted, they'll appear in a random order.
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