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How to view Portfolio Update (comment) text in reports


Level 2
Hello Community, I would like to display the text of the latest portfolio update in a report, but I cannot find a way to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? For example, when an update (comment) is added to a project, there are several options I can select when building a report that will display that update, including last note text and condition update. How can I display update comments in portfolio reports? Any help would be greatly appreciated. David David Clayton MaritzCX

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1 Reply


Level 7
Hi David, This textmode code should pull the last note for you. valuefield=lastNote:noteText valueformat=HTML linkedname=lastNote namekey=view.relatedcolumn displayname=Update Feed textmode=true namekeyargkey.0=lastNote namekeyargkey.1=noteText querysort=lastNote:noteText Hope this helps, Teale Teale McCleaf